World Summit Awards (WSA) Australia : Outline
WSA Australia is a Highly Diverse & Democratic Awarding System, that selects and promotes Australia’s Best Digital Innovations with positive impact on local society.
Annually, each WSA Australia local application that stands out from its respective category is nominated to represent Australia at the WSA Global Competition.
These nominees get the opportunity to contend alongside highly competitive nominations from over 180 United Nations member countries, on their ability to make positive Local & Social Impact in the context of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Your local gateway to the Global Stage of World Summit Awards
Are you an Australian Startup, Company or an Individual with a Digital Innovation that positively contributes to the society? This is your gateway to get a Global Recognition to your work.

Enormous impresses you with fully responsiveness, highly customization, very clean and flexible design.

Enormous impresses you with fully responsiveness, highly customization, very clean and flexible design.

UN Context
Enormous impresses you with fully responsiveness, highly customization, very clean and flexible design.