Annually, each WSA-Australia local application that stands out from its respective category is nominated to represent Australia at the WSA Global Competition.  

          Following are the 5 Nominees who represented Australia at the WSA Global Competition 2021.

Tool for Systemic Change™ is an online tool that assists change-makers to address wicked problems through mapping and strengthening of solution ecosystems. The Tool for Systemic Change makes systems change efforts visible. The tool assists change-makers to address wicked problems through mapping, measuring and strengthening of solution ecosystems. It provides stakeholders with insight into the dynamics and structure of their solution ecosystem and where opportunities to strengthen their collective effort are.

Clean energy that works for everyone on the planet. Powerledger is the operating system for new energy markets enabling tracking and trading of energy, flexibility services and environmental commodities. Powerledger has developed an energy and flexibility trading platform that allows households, organisations and the grid itself to trade with each other. ‍ Powerledger offers technology that supports a responsive market. Because the grid is only as good as the market behind it.

Your organisation’s diversity profile, in one place. The Diversity Atlas platform makes it easy for teams and organisations to measure, understand and tell their diversity stories for better inclusion and greater value of cultural identity. The Diversity Atlas dashboard visualises your organisations and each teams profile, highlighting diversity achievements and where there’s room to improve on inclusion. Diversity Atlas is a unique diversity data-analysis platform that provides insight into cultural and demographic diversity within an organisation. It enables organisations to understand the diverse richness of its teams and to better measure, understand, acknowledge and act on its diversity, inclusion and development strategies.

Rush Gold is the new Gold Standard. The world as we know it is changing. So how you deal with money also needs to change. Gold has always been highly sought after, in good times and bad. Now you can get your hands on it. Rush Gold gives you digital access to real gold, that you can use in the real world. It’s valuable, usable and incorruptible. Now you can own gold, hold gold, buy gold, sell gold, gift gold… it’s all as easy as sending a text. Rush Gold has made the world’s premier precious metal available to anyone using just their phone. Making gold as accessible and usable as cash, Rush Gold gives your money real weight.

Pro Bono Portal is an award winning pro bono platform developed by the charity Justice Connect. Tried and tested in Australia – now going global in partnership with justice champions around the world. The Pro Bono Portal connects lawyers with pro bono opportunities quickly and simply. It matches opportunities to lawyers using built-in algorithms while also allowing lawyers to manually browse opportunities. Legal organisaitons fill in templates with matter details, and securely communicate and share documents using message threads. The Portal securely gathers vital data to monitor impacts to help improve the ecosystem. These efficiencies mean lawyers can spend more time helping more people.